Amy Lau



Amy Lau grew up in Georgia, but has made New York her home for the last twenty years. She received her MA in Art Therapy from The School of the Art Institute of Chicago and her BA in Art Education from The University of Georgia. 

Amy worked for over a decade in mental health, working closely with clients who ushered her through private worlds filled with enormous anguish and unblinking compassion. When her own internal pain became too great to contain, Amy rediscovered writing - an old friend who listened, always met up in dingy restaurants, and who wasn't afraid to ask slightly insensitive questions . 

Reawakened by the challenges and demands of writing, Amy has completed her first novel, They Don’t Even Know Their Own Names. Forever straddling two worlds, in culture and career, Amy has added writing to the rotation and she eagerly embraces the juggling and balancing that keeps her slightly nervous, always hungry, and constantly striving.